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全职敲击乐独奏家伊芙莲·格妮(Evelyn Glennie)简介

更新时间:2019-03-07    来源/发布:乐器学习网    作者/编辑:乐器学习网

  伊芙莲·格妮(Evelyn Glennie)是音乐史上首位全职敲击乐独奏家。她曾与不同界别的乐人合作演出,像流行乐的比约、波比·麦法连、史汀、钢琴大师艾思、英皇合唱团、班卓琴手比拉·费里克等亦经常以独奏家身份与世界著名交响乐团同台演出。伊芙莲灌录了二十五张个人唱片,其中两张荣获格林美奖。她曾委约不少名家作曲,总共创作了一百六十首敲击乐独奏作品。伊芙莲曾经参与不少电视电台节目,包括《科技娱乐设计思想集》(TED)。


全职敲击乐独奏家伊芙莲·格妮(Evelyn Glennie)简介



全职敲击乐独奏家伊芙莲·格妮(Evelyn Glennie)简介


  Dame Evelyn Elizabeth Ann Glennie, DBE was born on 19 July, 1965 in Aberdeen. Dame Evelyn is a Scottish virtuoso percussionist. Dame Evelyn was the first full-time solo professional percussionist in 20th century western society.

  Dame Evelyn was brought up on a farm in Aberdeenshire near where she was born. Dame Evelyn’s father was Herbert Arthur Glennie, an accordionist in a Scottish country dance band, and the strong, indigenous musical traditions of north-east Scotland were important in the development of the young musician, whose first instruments were the mouth organ and the clarinet. Other major influences were Glenn Gould, Jacqueline du pr’e and Trilok Gurtu. Dame Evelyn studied at Ellon Academy and the Royal Academy of Music.

  Dame Evelyn tours extensively in the northern hemisphere, spending up to 4 months each year in the United States, and performs with an extraordinarily wide variety of orchestras and contemporary musicians, giving over 100 concerts a year as well as master classes and ’music in schools’ performances. Dame Evelyn frequently commissions percussion works from composers and performs them in her concert repertoire. To date, these original works include 53 concertos, 56 recital pieces, 18 concert pieces and 2 works for percussion ensemble.

  In a live performance she can use up to approximately 60 instruments. Dame Evelyn also plays the G Great Highland Bagpipes and has her own registered tartan known as ‘The Rhythms of Evelyn Glennie’。 Dame Evelyn is in the process of producing her own range of handmade jewellery and also works as a motivational speaker.

  Dame Evelyn is the patron of many charities supporting a wide range of causes including the deaf and hard of hearing, young musicians and people with a variety of disabilities.

  Dame Evelyn has been profoundly deaf – meaning that she has some very limited hearing – since age 12. This does not inhibit her ability to perform at the international level. Dame Evelyn regularly plays barefoot for both live performances and studio recordings, to better “feel” the music.

  Dame Evelyn contends that deafness is largely misunderstood by the public. Dame Evelyn claims to have taught herself to hear with parts of her body other than her ears. In response to criticism from the media, Dame Evelyn published her now famous Hearing Essay in which she personally discusses her condition.

  Dame Evelyn has also featured on Icelandic singer Björk’s album Telegram, performing the duet “My Spine” and she has collaborated with former Genesis guitarist Steve Hackett, Bela Fleck, Bobby McFerrin and Fred Frith.

  On 21 November 2007, the UK government announced an infusion of £332 million just for music-education. This resulted from the successful lobby spearheaded by Glennie, Sir James Galway, Julian Lloyd Webber, and the late Michael Kamen; they formed the Music in Education Consortium in 2002/2003.

  In 1994, Dame Evelyn married composer, sound engineer and tuba player Greg Malcangi, with whom she collaborated on several musical projects. They porced in 2003 following her widely-publicised affair with Leonard Slatkin.



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